The original Simon the Sorcerer Game was released many years ago on both Disk format (For the Amiga) and CD-ROM (For the CD32).
The release of the original game, Did not exactly raise glowing reviews with the Amiga Press at that time. Why? Simpley because the game was compared to the "Classic" Monkey Island (ruler of the games charts at that time)
In the past couple of Years The Original Simon the Sorcerer Game enjoyed several releases and became more popular with Amiga users.
In 1999 Epic announced that they had secured the Rights to "Port" Simon the Sorcer II back to the Amiga Platform, And although release was planned for the Summer 99. Several hold ups meant the game was only released on 20th Dec 99 (Nice time for Christmas.
What can you say? Simon II like Simon I is a Graphic Point and Click Adventure game. You control Simon (A Small Boy Wizard) In a Fictional world, Solving puzzles in order to defeat his arch enemy "Sordid" and return Simon back to his Normal life.
If you have played the Original game, You will be pleased to know that some of the "Old" characters make a re-appearence (The Swampling etc.). There is also a host of NEW Characters involved (Like Goldielocks & the Three Bears, Pirates etc.etc.)
Ah! Now if you are like me (And hate reading Manuals) Simon II will suit you. The game comes on 1 CD nicely presented in one of these new style cases (Similar to the DVD Movie cases) and although it does contain a small printed Manual, It actually tell you very little.
Bugger! I only have a small drive ...Still determined as ever, I used this as a good excuse to clear the Hard Drive of some older Programs no longer used much and eventually managed to get 180 meg freed up :)
Ah Well! 5 minutes later and "Problem Solved" Simon was running and yes I did get Speech and Sound Effects (Happy at last)
Well not Quite! The Manual did say that the "M" key would toggle the Background Music on/off and the volume could be adjusted using the +/- Keys.
OK! Back to the game, Having just started, I have to admit that the Graphics are Very good indeed and the Animations and Characters glide nicely around the Screen. Indeed Simon is a very pleasant game to play (Although the Speech can be a little "Jerky" in Patches ...Possibly due to the 030 Board in my Amiga).
Now as in all Adventure games, It's wise to Save often. Simon uses a unique "Postcard" Systen for this (Click on "USE" and select the Postcard to get the Save/Load Options).
Oh DEAR! ....I clicked on Save, Simon Froze the System and the only solution was a 3 finger salute (Re-Boot)
A rather Disappointed Ferret .... Had a quick look at the "read- Me" on the CD and discovered the Support web Address for Simon
A Quick visit there...And Yes there was an update that fixed the Problem (up loaded 16th Dec ....4 days before it was released)
Just a small point here: I solved the Save game problem easily, Because I am online, However what of those Gamers who are not on line ... Perhaps a short note/Telephone call from Epic regarding this problem and notification that an update/fix would be forthcomming should have been in order.
Yes the Fix will possibly be available from the AmigActive CD but Really ... The onus must be on the Game supplier.
Simon II Despite a few niggling problems like No Music, the Save game requiring a "Patch" to work, and the Odd time that the Game Appears to lock up ( If you are using a 030 board and suddenly Simon refuses to move. Just leave it for around a Minute. Simon then ...Fed up waiting for you start to Juggle etc. This get the Game moving again and you can resume playing). Simon is an Excellent Adventure Game and Certainly well worth the Money.
The Puzzles are Difficuly but not Impossible to solve, But beware if you do get stuck, You can end up going in Circles trying to resolve something.
I Found Simon a delightful game to play and spent many happy hours in front of the Amiga before finally completing the game.
Yes there is a few small problems with the Game, But it is stll a wonderful addition to any Adventurer's Collection.
Graphics : 9
SoundFX : 9
Speech : 8
Music : 0
Playability : 10
Note: While playing and Completing Simon the Sorcerer II I kept a series of notes and have compiled a complete "Walk through" of the Game. Any readers requiring help with a solution feel free to contact me.